Making a Big Difference with the Flood Crisis Fund

Thanks to the generosity of donors, the County Employees’ Charitable Organization (CECO) distributed $36,000 worth of grants to 74 members of our team who were impacted by the devasting January storms.

More than 800 employees donated to the CECO Flood Crisis Fund. Several departments and employee resource groups also made group donations, Child Support Services’ executive team held a coffee campaign, and Clerk of Board of Supervisors held a pie throwing fundraiser.

In addition, many of you have made an impact by supporting the Emergency Operations Center and working in the community to help people navigate the aftermath of the storm.

“It is in these trying times when our County team’s resilience shines brightest,” said Interim Chief Administrative Officer Sarah Aghassi. “You made a difference to those who were impacted by damage and devastation, including our very own team members through your donations and your commitment as disaster service workers.”

CECO was able to award money to every eligible employee who applied for flood relief funds. This was possible because of one-time donations to the Flood Relief Fund and from the reoccurring donors that support CECO throughout the year.

“The generosity of CECO members and donors are what allow us to uplift employees in crisis and distribute community grants each year,” said newly elected CECO President Maria Molina-Melendez.

“You have no idea how much this means to me and my family,” said one grant recipient. “This has been mentally, physically and emotionally draining. This will help and lifts some weight off my shoulders.”

Consider becoming a CECO member. Donations ensure funds are available for employees in crisis. Crisis funds have been granted to employees facing housing insecurity, medical emergencies, and other difficulties.

Your donations to CECO will also benefit the community though annual grants to local nonprofits. Just last month, CECO gave $102,000 in grants to 58 local nonprofit organizations including health clinics, homeless service providers, after school programs and more. See the full list.

There are three easy ways to give: set up a reoccurring donation or through automatic payroll deductions.

Also note, CECO is hosting a fundraiser with Burger Lounge in Little Italy on Wednesday, May 1. Be sure to use the code “Fundraiser” when ordering and 20% of your purchase will go to CECO. See the flyer 🍔 to learn more.