Take a Pie in the Eye for the CECO Flood Relief Fund for Employees

One department went the extra mile to help raise funds through the County Employees’ Charitable Organization (CECO) for many of our fellow coworkers who are in the long recovery process after the Jan. 21-23 storms and catastrophic flooding.

The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors department took photos of the staff throwing pies at their department head, Andrew Potter.  

For a minimum $25 donation to CECO, anyone who wanted to have a little fun and help their coworkers and colleagues who have lost so much could throw a whipped cream pie at Andrew’s face.

Approximately $100,000 in grant funds have been requested from CECO, and while we want to help them all, we need your help. A little goes a long way in helping with loss and repairs. If every County employee donated $5, it would raise $100,000.

There is still time to raise these much-needed funds, so why not try a pie or other challenge to have some fun while also supporting your coworkers impacted by the catastrophic flooding in January?

Below are a few you may want to try. Choose one, a couple or make up your own.

Pie in the Eye

Does your team want to hit you with a whipping cream pie? Let them—and raise some money for flood survivors in the process.

Coffee Break

You know that $5 you’d spend on a coffee? Slip it into the office coffee cup, donation box or Venmo account instead. 

Matching Gifts

Challenge your team to raise money by matching what they raise—either in full or during a set period.

Collection Box in the Common Area

Sometimes it is as simple as a collection box, pail or basket by the water cooler.

Donations can be made online at: https://donorbox.org/ceco-flood-relief-fundraising

“My whole downstairs was flooded, everything was ruined, and my car was totaled.”

– County employee

“Water was almost 5 feet high and filled the entire home… everything will have to be rebuilt.”

– County employee