Celebrate Earth Day at the County Operations Center

The County will put on an Earth Day Fair from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, April 22 at the County Operations Center at 5500 Overland Drive. This event is open to the public and it’s free!

Come celebrate our planet and learn how the County is working to create a greener world. The global theme this year is, Planet vs. Plastics.

County Parks officials will be there to talk about tree planting, farmers’ markets and organic food. You can also learn about sustainable gardening and volunteer opportunities.

Interactive and informative booths will feature information about recycling, stormwater protection, food waste prevention and ways people can help protect and improve water quality with everyday actions. There will also be electric vehicles on display and resources to help answer your questions about owning an electric vehicle.

Attendees can also hear updates about the County’s Climate Action Plan Update and Regional Decarbonization efforts to move the entire region to zero carbon emissions.

In addition to Monday’s event at the COC, other County activities are also scheduled to take place throughout the month of April. To learn and explore all these activities, visit www.sandiegocounty.gov/earthday.