Sustainability - We’ve Got This!

A message from Chairwoman Nora Vargas and Vice Chair Terra Lawson-Remer:

Happy Earth month! As public servants, the County of San Diego is committed to the sustainability of our community in all forms, including nature, our built environment and economic resiliency. April 22 brings people together to celebrate Earth Day globally, but here at the County, sustainability is year-round.  It is an important consideration in our programs, operations and facilities and it is central in our County vision: a just, sustainable and resilient future for all.

From big to small, we are doing things that make a difference for the environment. 

Our new Regional Decarbonization Framework helps focus communities in the region on scientifically backed, meaningful carbon-reducing activities that support a healthier future for all. The Office of Sustainability and Environmental Justice will coordinate regional sustainability initiatives and elevate the importance of environmental justice to address and prevent environmental disparities in neighborhoods.

Our ongoing climate action measures and permanent teleworking and alternate schedules lower greenhouse gas emissions. The County’s Environmental Justice Element in the General Plan guides equitable land uses. Our fleet vehicles are shifting to electric and solar has been installed on many County properties. Individual department sustainability plans are already reducing the carbon footprint of their operations.

We’ve also committed to planting 10,000 trees in San Diego County this year and have adopted a policy to encourage the use of native plants which thrive better in drought conditions. 

Sustainability is alive and well here at all levels of our organization. We’d love to hear what you are personally doing to be more sustainable. You can share your ideas and find inspiration from others on this earth month engagement site.

There are many ways you can support sustainability and get involved throughout April. You may want to plant some trees or visit the County Operations Center in-person fair on April 21 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. or learn and explore through the County’s Earth month website

Let’s embrace sustainability to benefit this amazing planet of ours. Working together, we’ve got this!