HP is Now DXC

You may soon hear the initials “DXC” bandied about the workplace when discussing computers and such. DXC Technology is the new name for our information technology provider.

The Enterprise Services business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise— our prime IT provider since 2006 – has merged with another global IT services provider, Computer Sciences Corp. to create a new company called DXC Technology. The new name, DXC, was announced in February but the merger was completed Saturday. Executives at the new company celebrated the formation of the new company at the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange Monday.

What does that mean to us as County employees? Well, references to HPE (or “HP” for short) will start morphing into “DXC.” As far as services, the new company will be responsible for providing everything under both the current and new IT master agreement. The company name may have changed, but the people providing services to the County will largely remain the same.  

If you regularly have contact with people from HPE, one thing you will notice is a change in their email domain name to reflect the new company name. But not to worry, there will be time to get used to it. DXC employees will answer to both their old and new email addresses for at least a year.