'If You're Here, It's Because You're Rock Stars'

Being an administrative professional is no walk in the park, but on April 30, nearly 360 County admins got a well-deserved trip to Balboa Park to celebrate all the hard work they do for us.

The annual Administrative Professionals Event included opening remarks from David Estrella, general manager of Community Services Group.

"If you're here, it's because you're rock stars," he said.

Estrella emphasized that one of the most admirable traits of the hundreds of administrators in the room was patience, which is often overlooked.

CAO Helen Robbins-Meyer told the group that they all serve with heart and five very important C-words: competence, customer service, curiosity, continuous improvement and character.

"We have the number one administrative professional workforce in the nation!" she said.

After lunch, Balboa Park District Manager Michael Ruiz gave the County employees an inside look of what's to come at the landmark, which celebrates its centennial this year. Guest speaker Lee Sibler got the crowd laughing with his presentation, including many quotes about what makes admins so important, like: "Admin professionals are just like regular people, but smarter." 

"Just because your job title doesn't say 'leader' doesn't mean you can't lead in what you do," Sibler said. 

Thanks to each and every administrative professional who helps keep the County moving!